| Entre Lumière et Ténèbres | Administrateurs : Sora |
| | | | | Sora | Lumière | Voyageur des Mondes |  |  | 12453 messages postés |
| Posté le 06-01-2020 à 15:24:49
| Fiche Wakanim du moment: -Africa Salaryman -AFTERLOST -ARIFURETA -Azur Lane -BanG Dream -BoogiePop and Others:payant. -Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious -Cencoroll -COP CRAFT -Danmachi - Arrow of the Orion:payant. -Danmachi Saison 2 -Date A Live S3:il n'y a pas la saison 2... -Demon Lord, Retry! -Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba -Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? -Fairy gone:fini à l'épi 12. -Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia -Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel II. lost butterfly -FIRE FORCE:14. -Fruits Basket -Granblue Fantasy: The Animation Season 2 -Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Kemono Michi: Rise Up -Made in Abyss (movie):payants. -Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Detonation -Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka:payant. -NO GUNS LIFE -ORESUKI Are you the only one who loves me? -Phantasy Star Online 2 : Episode Oracle -Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl -RobiHachi -Sarazanmai -Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth -Stars Align -Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld -THE PROMISED NEVERLAND -We Never Learn:13. -Wise Man’s Grandchild -W'z -Zoku Owarimonogatari
| Sora | Lumière | Voyageur des Mondes |  |  | 12453 messages postés |
| Posté le 22-04-2020 à 14:28:19
| Crunchyroll -Ace Attorney (47) -ALDNOAH.ZERO (25) -Ascendance of a Bookworm (19) -Basilisk – The Ôka Ninja Scrolls (24) -Berserk (27) -Black Clover (133-En cours) -Bungo Stray Dogs (63) -Chihayafuru (26) -Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA (22) -FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE ARDYN – PROLOGUE (Payant?) -FLCL (12) -Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma (76) -Free! (49) -Gangsta (Épi manquant) -GeGeGe no Kitarô (97) -Gintama (103) -Hamatora (24) -Holmes of Kyoto (12) -IDOLISH7 (21) -Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (158) -Joker Game (24) -Moi, quand je me réincarne en Slime (28) -Mushishi (22) -Orange (26) -Osomatsu-san (59) -Parasite (Fin) -Persona 4 The Golden ANIMATION (12) -Re:Zero 2x (25+40) -Re:life (18) -Saiyuki Reload Blast (12) -SD GUNDAM WORLD SANGOKU SOKETSUDEN (7) -SING "YESTERDAY" FOR ME :3. -Squishy! Black Clover (8) -THE IDOLM@STER SideM Wakeatte Mini! (12) -The Quintessential Quintuplets (12) -The Rising of the Shield Hero (25) -Thunderbolt Fantasy (27) -Tower of God (3) -Trinity Seven (14) -Woodpecker Detective's Office (3-En cours) -Yuri on ice (12) -Yuru Camp (12)
Edité le 11-09-2020 à 09:31:47 par Sora
| Sora | Lumière | Voyageur des Mondes |  |  | 12453 messages postés |
| Posté le 07-08-2020 à 13:34:03
| Fiche ADN du moment: -All Outt!! (25) -Bloo into you (13) -Code Geass (25) (S1) -Death Parade (12) -Dumbbel (12) -Fire Force S2 en cours -First Love Monster (12) -Food Wars (S1 : 24) -Fruits Basket S2 -Hunter x Hunter 2011 (Jusqu'à l'arc 4) -Les Jojo's Bizarre Adventure -KANDAGAWA JET GIRLS (13) -KONO OTO TOMARE (13) -LE RAKUGO OU LA VIE (13) -MEGALOBOX (13) -Mignight Occulte Servants (15) -MR LOVE: QUEEN'S CHOICE (En cours) -My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (13) -The Ones Within (13) -THIS ART CLUB HAS A PROBLEM! (12) -UZAMAID! (13)
Edité le 14-08-2020 à 11:06:34 par Sora
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